Two signs that you may need to get counselling after terminating a pregnancy

Two signs that you may need to get counselling after terminating a pregnancy

27 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Not every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy needs to have counselling afterwards; however, a lot of women who go through this experience find it helpful. If you have had an abortion, here are some indications that you might benefit from using a counselling service.

You are fixating on what it would have been like to continue with the pregnancy

Sometimes, even when a woman knows that having a termination was absolutely the right decision for her and that she did not have the psychological, financial or physical ability to have a child, she may still fixate on what might have happened had she proceeded with her pregnancy.

If you've found yourself repeatedly imagining what it would have been like to have had a baby and these ruminations are distressing you or causing you to become withdrawn and reclusive, then you may benefit from counselling. The counsellor could, for instance, be able to identify the things that are triggering your periods of rumination and help you to either eliminate or become desensitised to them. In this situation, your triggers might, for example, include watching movies that feature themes like pregnancy, abortion or family life or seeing parents and children playing together in the local park where you run.

Your counsellor might instruct you to avoid watching these movies and to start taking a different route when running for a little while so that you have time to come to terms with your experience without being continually bombarded by things that set off your urge to ruminate. They will also talk you through the realities of what proceeding with the pregnancy would have been like and in doing so, help you to take off the rose-tinted glasses that might be fuelling your ruminations.

Your family or friends have criticised your decision  

Going through with a termination can be difficult. However, it can be made far worse by unsupportive family and friends. If your family members or friends have responded harshly and unkindly to your decision to terminate your pregnancy, you may feel very isolated at a time when you are feeling vulnerable and in need of some compassion and support. A counsellor could give you this unconditional support and could reassure you that your loved ones' disapproval does not mean that you made the wrong decision. You can also talk to the counsellor about any confusing emotions you're experiencing without worrying that they'll use this as ammunition with which to criticise your decision. 

Speak with a professional who provides counselling for more information.  

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Caroline's Counselling Advice

Attending your first counselling session can feel like a scary thing to do. However, while it is normal to feel some anxiety, there are some steps you can take which help you to deal with any worry you are feeling. The best thing you can do is to find out as much about what you can expect during a counselling session. I was really worried before I attended my first counselling session. I read as much as I could about the subject which helped to calm my nerves. The counselling has really helped me to deal with my mental health issues.
